martedì 16 febbraio 2016

Homework #4 - Words&Machines

Perceptron -- a perceiving and recognizing self-operating machine (F. Rosenblatt, 1957)

Adaline -- Adaptive Linear Neuron, is an early single-layer artificial neural network using memistors. Developed by Professor Bernard Widrow in 1960, it is based on the McCulloch–Pitts neuron. It consists of a weight, a bias and a summation function.

Memristor -- portmanteau of memory resistor, is a non-linear passive two-terminal electrical component relating electric charge and magnetic flux linkage. The memristor's present electrical resistance depends on how much electric charge has flowed in what direction through it in the past. The device remembers its history—the so-called non-volatility property. When the electric power supply is turned off, the memristor remembers its most recent resistance until it is turned on again.

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